Sunday, April 2, 2023

5 Easy and Effective Remedies for Lichen Planus


Lichen Planus

A skin or mucous membrane inflamed immune system condition is called lichen planus. If you have this condition, you might experience painful, burning sores in your mouth and genital region in addition to itchy, dry patches on your skin. Although sensitivity to particular solutions and chemicals, as well as stress, may cause Lichen Planus to flare up, experts are unclear of what causes Lichen Planus. You might be able to better control your symptoms with the aid of herbal lichen planus remedies. Visit your social worker for an assessment before starting DIY treatment.


Lichen planus symptoms include irritated rashes, irritation, a single wound or groups of wounds, hyperpigmentation, hard bumps or ulcers, dry mouth, and male pattern baldness. Several popular medications can treat the skin infection.

Natural Herbal Treatment for Lichen Planus

The blemishes typically go away on their own after about a year without any treatment. On the other hand, treatment might make your face look better. Treatment aims to reduce your symptoms and speed up the recovery of your skin lesions. There might not be a need for treatment if the symptoms are mild. Natural Treatment for Lichen Planus may help alleviate itching and improve the appearance of the rash until it goes away even though there is no recognised medical therapy for lichen planus. Even though Lichen Planus Herbal Treatment can be costly, it usually has positive results, at least in terms of the patient's long-term comfort. Treatment for lichen planus using herbal remedies is less expensive and more successful.

Additionally, different therapies are effective for various people, with the therapy selected depending on the seriousness of the issue. The doctor might recommend an alternative treatment if the first one doesn't work. Natural Remedies for Lichen Planus typically work better when applied naturally.


Oats are frequently used as a mild exfoliant and skin soother in natural beauty therapies. As the sores and blisters change over time, sloughing off the dead skin may help to reduce irritation and improve the look. Oats and raw yoghurt are combined, and then a quarter portion of raw honey is added after 20 minutes at room temperature. After applying liberally to the afflicted areas, give it 10 to 15 minutes to set. Rinse thoroughly with tepid water, then pat yourself dry.


Cool Compress

Applying a washcloth that has been soaked in cold water to the afflicted area can reduce shivering. Apply a cold pack made by wrapping an ice-filled plastic bag in a towel to the electrified skin for 5 to 10 minutes to achieve the intended results. Use a face cream as soon as the procedure is finished.

Aloe Vera

One of the best Herbal Treatment forLichen Planus is aloe vera. It has healing properties. Aloe vera gel can be immediately applied to the affected area to treat the side effects of the therapeutic condition.


A turmeric ointment may help to lessen the discomfort and appearance of oral lichen planus, according to a research that was published in the National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery. The researchers think that curcumin's anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties can help in the prevention of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, a known risk of oral lichen planus, despite the small size of this pilot trial.

Studies have shown that turmeric can decrease inflammation and pain, two symptoms that are typically treated with corticosteroids, antihistamines, and prescription painkillers. Turmeric's health benefits are well known. Look for a supplement with piperine when making your selection because it greatly increases the absorption of turmeric.

Use a turmeric face mask to soothe skin itch and discomfort, but use caution—if you leave it on for too long, it will stain both your skin and your clothes. In addition to reducing pain and distress, turmeric tea may promote healing.


Ginger has anti-histamine properties, which may help to lessen the possibility of the issue getting worse. Two to three cups of ginger tea a day can have beneficial effects. A man should massage freshly squeezed ginger juice on the affected area to get clear of the rashes.

After a while, lichen planus goes away on its own. It can be secured and rehashed in any event. Prescription medications and herbal treatments for lichen planus may help with shivering. They might also help the body repair itself.

herbal treatments for lichen planus that can be used for a long period and have no side effects. Read more about using Herbal Care Products at home here.


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